Thursday, August 27, 2009

Welcome to Healing With Energy!

Welcome! I'm so glad you're here! It is my sincere hope that by reading my story you, too, will access your body's own ability to heal itself. YOU KNOW YOU CAN...RIGHT?!

In 1991 I was newly married, and my life seemed to be heading in a positive direction. Without warning, I began having excruciating abdominal pain, constant diarrhea, and experienced extreme, sudden weight loss. After 3 months of GI tests I was diagnosed with a chronic illness called Crohn's Disease, an auto-immune condition that has no known cause or cure. I was told that pregnancy would most likely exacerbate my symptoms; a theory that proved true with only 2 of my 4 children. At the time, there was no apparent rhyme or reason to my pain. I could not attribute it directly to the foods I ate or the level of stress I was experiencing. However, there were many times that the pain was so intense that it left me curled up in a ball in bed for days at at time. This was expecially difficult, as I had two small children to care for.

The subsequent 9 years of my life was a roller coaster ride with periods of remission and then unexpected, unexplainable symptom flare-ups. I endured the side effects of many medications, including steriods, which sometimes seemed to help, and other times did not. Finally, in 2000, my symptoms worsened to the point that I needed surgery to remove 6 inches of the effected, abscessed area of my intestines. My GI doctor, with all good intentions, told me that with each year that passed there was a 10% chance that I would need surgery again, and that I should expect to spend the rest of my life "managing" this illness that would forever reside in my body. Although I respected my doctor and had relied on his wisdom many times over the years, my inner knowing refused to believe the life-sentence he had given me. I knew deep inside that I was created with the ability to heal myself, and I began my quest to do just that.

I read, studied, tried countless diets, elimintated the suspect food groups, tried vitamin supplements, but nothing seemed to help. I was still riding the wave of feeling good for a few days, then being hit by flare-ups that pulled the rug out from underneath my life. In 2006 I was taking some pretty harsh medication to control my symptoms. Although I had been advised not to get pregnant for risk to the baby, God had another plan, and child #4 was on her way. Scared to death, I called my GI doctor to tell him about my pregnancy. He told me that "whatever damage was going to be done had already happened" to my baby. He advised a series of tests, all of which my husband and I elected to refuse. We decided to believe only that our baby would be nothing less than perfect. I stopped taking all medication and visualized my child just as healthy and happy as my other 3 children. In 2007 I gave birth to my perfectly healthy daughter, Faith!
However, almost immediately after her birth, my symptoms resumed and continued on through all of 2008.

In February of this year I began a dedicated Yoga practice in an attempt to find some calm in my very busy life. What started out as a fun outlet for stress relief has evolved into a spiritual journey that has resulted in eliminating virtually all of the physical pain of my "dis-ease." I began meditating daily and learning about working with Energy to improve all areas of my life. It has now been 2 months - pain and medication-free - and my life has never been better!

The most valuable lesson I've learned is that EVERYTHING IS ENERGY, and once I recognized that and learn how to move in the natural flow of energy, my life changed in miraculous ways I could never have imagined. I learned that the pain I was feeling inside was merely excess energy that manifested itself physically in the form of pain. (Pain is the body's way of telling you that you need to change your thought patterns and shift energy!! Wow, we really are perfect by Divine Design!!) I've unearthed some pretty awesome realizations...first of all, our bodies are human journals that record all of our life events at a cellular level. All of our experiences remain a part of us, and if we're not conscious of it, will dictate and create our present experiences (and therefore, our future!) I learned that every time I relived one of my negative (limiting) beliefs, the emotional pain manifested itself in the form of physical pain in my body. By clearing those false beliefs I was able to eliminate the surplus of energy that resulted in almost 20 years of pain!

So, what if you really could eliminate physical and emotional pain by simply changing your thoughts and removing the energy blocks that are keeping you in a cycle of pain and unhappiness? What if you could, for just one moment, give in to the possibility that the answer is very simple and easy, rather than expensive, complicated or elusive?? Would you be willing to explore that possibility? I'll be back with more information about my journey, but if you're ready to learn more, please check out David & Kristen's archived recorded phone calls and open your mind to how working in energy can truly change your life. Then come back and tell me YOUR story. Please visit and click on the "Radio" button. You'll notice that David and Kristen are experts in the area of increasing prosperity, which is why I initially became interested in their teachings. However, I soon learned that because indeed, Everything Is Energy, the same principals that apply to increasing abundance and improving relationships are also true for healing the body.

Remember, I don't come to you as an expert in the field of science, medicine or religion. I'm just like you (we're all the same, right???) However, I've found tremendous relief when years of years and years of trying traditional methods were not effective. Working with energy is free! It's simple! What have you got to lose? Try the Energy Tools and let me know how they work for you.

I can't wait to hear from you!!

Grateful Heart


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. What a beautiful and incredible story! Grateful Heart.

    I must say that, as I started reading your post, I just got hooked on it and read the whole thing. That is absolutely amazing, the process that you went through and everything that you overcame, and the belief you faithfully kept at heart. The flow of Energy is the flow of Life. Wherever you decide to move and circulate your energy to; wherever you focus is on, will bring it to Life!
